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Do you want to act against racism, inhumane thinking, discrimination, and stand up for the equality of all people, solidarity with refugees, or the interests of youth? If so, you can apply here at Jugendfonds to get money for your project in an easy way. Just follow the questions in the form and your application will be send directly to us.


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What's Jugendfonds?

The Jugendfonds ("Youth Funding") provides funding for projects, actions and events organised by young people. It is part of the Partnerschaften für Demokratie ("Partnerships for Democracy") in Bremen. It is one of around 300 partnerships that were established in recent years by the federal program "Demokratie leben!" ("Living Democracy!") across Germany. It is financed by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ).



In Bremen the Jugendfonds is supported by the Naturfreundejugend. We support you with your application, doing the finances and any questions in the process. You can reach us at or directly through the application form here. Once you have filled in the form, all information will directly go to our email adress and read by employees at the Naturfreundejugend. 


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